[CH] "There be [dry peppers] here!"

Jim Graham (spooky130@cox.net)
Mon, 14 Jul 2008 05:42:46 -0500

Ok, they're not all done...but I just thought I'd pass along my thanks
to all for the helpful instructions (and most of all the "it's really
simple...just rotate the trays and everything will be all right" style
comments).  It really does appear to be that simple.  My cayennes are
(as expected) almost done.  A few of the habs are done, but (as also
expected), they're taking longer.

So let's see if my guess is right...if anyone knows the actual figure,
please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that approximately
90% of the mass of peppers is water...sound about right?

I can see that my measurements for my hot sauce and jellies are going
to have to evolve a bit (based on the quantity of fresh vs dried
peppers)....  :-)

Thanks, all!

PS:  Next step:  try my luck at the flat style beef jerky, if my
     wallet will allow it.

73 DE N5IAL (/4)            MiSTie #49997      < Running FreeBSD 7.0 >
spooky130@cox.net || j.graham@ieee.org  ICBM/Hurr.: 30.39735N 86.60439W
         No, I'm not going to explain it.  If you can't figure it
         out, you didn't want to know anyway...      --Larry Wall