[CH] time for another batch of hot sauce...and another question

Jim Graham (spooky130@cox.net)
Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:52:01 -0500

Ok, not really a question, as such...more a request for ideas.  Whatever.

The previous batch of hot sauce came out almost perfect...so, having
taken notes on what to change next time (don't chop the peppers as fine,
use a drop or two of red food coloring---orange hot sauce is just wrong,
IMHO, etc.), it's time to do something new.

The previous batch used about this list of ingredients:

   200 g orange habs (most from store---I didn't have any ripe habs yet)
   175 g cayenne (from garden)
   1# baby carrots
   2 med white onions
   several cloves garlic
   small bit of kosher salt

For this one, I've got a whole lot of habs (also orange) and cayennes
that I've picked over the last week or so, and I'll be using all of
them.  Here's what I'm starting with:

   365 g habaneros --- coarsely chopped
   store-bought hummus container of habanero mash (about 2 cups)
   325 g cayennes --- coarsely chopped
   3 med white onions
   lots of garlic
   kosher salt from hab mash...no more
   extra vinegar as needed

What's missing is the carrots from above.  So far, I'm thinking mango (I
seem to recall there's a trick to using mango, but I don't remember what
it was...any help on this one?), peach (deadly to me until it's cooked,
so will require special handling), mango+peach, or [insert ideas here].

Oh, and I don't have enough hot sauce bottles to handle the amount this
will make, even if I didn't still have most of them full from the
previous batch...so this will be going into Kerr jars (prob. all pint

Suggestions for something to go where the carrots were before?


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        MiSTie #49997  < Running FreeBSD 7.0 >
spooky130@cox.net    ICBM/Hurricane: 30.39735N 86.60439W

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