[CH] chile peaches?

kuhlwolf (kuhlwolf@centurytel.net)
Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:23:08 -0600

I tried the dried chile-mango slices on a trip this summer and couldn't put
them down.  I had to eat the whole bag. I would have liked them to be a bit
spicier, though.

Now I've got this big box of peaches, waiting to be put up, and the
dehydrator is already out since we've been drying 'maters for weeks now.
And I'm thinking....wouldn't dried peach slices with chile be heavenly?
I've got a little bit of morita powder, nothing else spectacular, green
chile powder and some generic red, cayenne and paprika...dried thai peppers
and cascabels.

I'm thinking to slice the peaches, dip in lemon juice then sugar, sprinkle
with chile powders (will experiment with the different powders) then
dehydrate, it should be good, right?
Should I add salt?
Darn, I should have obtained some better chile but the peaches won't wait
and the ones in the garden are so slow this year we have only picked a few
so far. Any suggestions?  Has anyone a recipe for the chile-mango I could
