[CH] Re: Tangerine Dream Greens (vegan)

Tue, 30 Sep 2008 12:04:15 -0400

Here's one for the mild-spiciness folks, as opposed to the 
eat-chiles-till-steam-comes-screaming-out-your-bellybutton folks.  Heck, 
even the
latter gotta take a break eventually.   I think?  :)

Most greens will work, but especially mustard, turnip and/or spinach.   
I love kale,  but
not so much here.

-Begin Recipe Export-
QBook version 1.00.14

Title: Tangerine Dream Greens
Keywords: greens, chiles, fruit, vegan, late night, comfort food

2 quarts greens, rinsed and chopped, coarser stems removed
1/2  a small onion, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon sesame seeds
1 Tbsp. canola or peanut oil
Two drops (no more!) Asian-style sesame oil
Pinch cayenne, or one small, finely chopped red chile.
Salt and plenty of  pepper
Juice of two to three tangerines
A few thin slivers of ginger if desired

Toast sesame seeds without oil in a large skillet with a lid that fits.  
seeds start dancing in the pan and/or begin to change color, add both oils,
then the ginger  then the greens and onion,  Saute until  greens are just
beginning to tenderize.

Add cayenne, salt and pepper to juice of two tangerines and pour over 
Cover skillet.  Cook over  medium heat for 5-7 minutes, covered, or 
until greens
are tender but not  Appalachian- or soulfood-style.   Check once to see 
if a Tbsp.
or two of water is needed.

Adjust seasonings.   Empty contents of  skillet into a serving bowl  and 
juice of another tangerine over the top if desired..

Theres a temptation to add soy sauce and garlic to this dish and make it
sort of  Chinese-restaurant-y, or to goose up the chile heat, but 
don't.  Keep
it simple, and enjoy the fresh flavors. Trust me, it's  nummy  just  the way
it is. :)
Source:  This is very loosely based on a  kale recipe I saw recently, 
posted by cleopatra_desires@yahoo.com to 
gourmet-garden-of-spicy-vegetarian-eatin@yahoogroups.com, author not given

-end recipe export-

Keep on rockin',