[CH] nam prik

Jim Graham (spooky130u@gmail.com)
Sat, 18 Oct 2008 15:04:55 -0500

Ok, stupid question time.  I bought two types of nam prik yesterday,
figuring I'd try it out with some fresh veges I bought.  I thought
it was supposed to be a paste, not a dried product (about the texture
of the "fresh" chopped garlic in a jar that you find in the produce
sections of grocery stores, except that it's dry (well, almost dry---it
is still a bit moist).

The two specific varieties I bought (in 1.76 oz plastic containers) are
Na Rog and Sawan.

So, am I missing a step or something?  Or is there another definition
of "paste" that I wasn't previously aware of?


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | "Now what *you* need is a proper pint of
spooky130u@gmail.com    | porter poured in a proper pewter porter
< Running FreeBSD 7.0 > | pot.."
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