[CH] fwd: away

Tue, 13 Jan 2009 08:45:37 -0500

Bluezinnia@kyananet.com wrote:
 > I'll be mostly away from the 'puter for a few days.
 > My best friend,  20 years a friend, died Saturday morning,  quite 
suddenly, age  51. 
 > (Second time in five years I've buried my very best one  because of a 
fast, violent illness.)
 > And when I tried to notify another dear friend, someone who's been 
like a brother
 > to me since the early '70s, I was told he'd died two days earlier, 
and they'd been trying
 > to reach me.
 > So I'm pretty shocky.  The funeral's tonight; please keep me and 
their families in your prayers
 > and sendings.
 > Rain
 > @@@@
 > \ \ \ \ \