[CH] Open Fields and other stuff

Jim (jim@wildpepper.com)
Sun, 29 Mar 2009 19:59:25 -0400

Open fields is this September- provided I clear planting again with  
the land lord ;-)  Dates will be Sept 25, 26, 27.  The focus of the  
event is the fund raiser for the StepUpforCharity.org cause.

Invites for the hot sauce contest will go out shortly.  This year  
however, I will not even pretend that I will be able to get a trophy  
out.  It will strictly be done for bragging rights and a fancy  
certificate and the knowledge that you've made the father of a fallen  
police officer, the relatives of a soldier killed on 9-11, and the kid  
of a lucky firefighter VERY happy.  ALL of the money raised will go to  
the StepUp causes.

There are a LOT of changes being forced upon the pepper biz at the  
moment.  As there's a 300 lb, red headed canary telling everyone  
(CaJohn), it's no secret anymore that I was recently promoted to  
Division Chief.  This takes me off of my (23 years!!!) usual schedule  
of 24/48 and onto a M-F, 6 AM to 5 PM schedule.  As anyone who has  
ordered from me in the last few weeks can attest, that's put quite the  
hurt on the pepper gig!

To attend Open Fields, please send me a note with the subject of "Open  
Fields".  I've almost 13,000 chiles planted strictly for your  
pleasure.  Come help yourself, mingle with the great chileheads found  
there, thank the ones that have sent chile seeds, and bring a few  
bucks for the raffle.  Lots of great stuff is donated by the generous  
chilehead community.

-Jim C