Re: [CH] Strange Question but not really O/T
Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:00:01 +0000

Whereas I get a lot of people telling me that they were told not to eat hot and spicy foods by their doctors. And whereas I belive there is something just not good for you when eating chemical pepper extracts and all the other "gunk" that companies put into food products these days. The last culprit that would come to my pointy little head would be Chilli pepper.

I believe wholeheartedly that there are still doctors out there practicing what I call "Humour" medicine. These are doctors whose first line of defense is to tell the patient to stop ingesting coffee, tea, alcohol and spicy food without mentioning any of the other, far more dangerous, in my never humble  opinion, things that are being put into food these days, like preservatives, artificial flavourings, msg, etc.

Anyone with a modicum of interest in the chilli pepper, with a little research, quickly discovers (short of someone with Crohn's or an allergy, that theses tiny little fruits are the food of the Gods. They are chockful of Vitamins and anti-oxidants and have been really really good for people for tens of thousands of years.

If I were a doctor, I would look to the atmosphere more quickly. Things that are known to have a direct affect on the nervous system, such as house cleaning chemicals, fumes from AC and heating systems, molds and mildews, laundry products, fabric softeners and "air fresheners" and perfumes.

I wouldn't say that "spicy food" is at fault unless and until I qualified the word "spicy food", a lot more.

Just my 2 cents. 1.75 CAD

------Original Message------
From: Linda Panter
To: chile Heads
ReplyTo: Linda Panter
Subject: [CH] Strange Question but not really O/T
Sent: Jun 20, 2009 1:56 AM

Hi everyone,

Has anyone on this group developed peripheral neuropathy? "Neuropathic pain 
is pain caused by a condition affecting the nervous system (nerves, spinal 
cord or brain)."

I have had this for years but in the last 3 years it has grown madly and now 
I can barely walk.

I use a cream called Zostrix which is capsaicin based and it does ease some 
of the sharpest pains on the skin, but not much else of this disease which 
has a lot of different symptoms and is considered very serious. I am 
wondering about a link between it and consuming a lot of very spicy hot 
food.  Just wondering....



Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me - I want people
to know WHY I look this way: I've traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren't paved. 

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