[CH] First Fruits

Jonathan Smillie (jonathan.smillie@gmail.com)
Sat, 25 Jul 2009 18:11:48 -0400

Harvested my first ripe orange habanero today! Not bad turnaround 
considering I planted them the week after Derby Day (the second week in 
May for those of you who don't live in Louisville or follow horse 

One side-effect of the oddly cool, wet summer we've been having is that 
my hab plants are already taller than any previous year's, and not only 
do all 14 have fruit but many are putting out a second flowering (I 
think the weather's fooled them into thinking it's spring again). 
Judging by what's fruited so far I could (knocks wood for fair weather 
and a late frost) harvest upwards of 500 orange, Caribbean Red and 
chocolate habaneros... enough for a few good batches of hot sauce and 

And tomatoes...? 'scuse me, I've got some salsa to make before I can't 
find the kitchen...

