[CH] Open Fields questions

Punto (punto@inch.com)
Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:06:27 -0400

It is looking pretty likely that I will be able to clear enough time off 
from work to be Indiana bound for the festivities and I am mighty 
excited. Finally, I will be able to come to chile Mecca and commune in 
person with El Grande and a bunch of those who share my pleasant 
addiction, many of whom I've known, but never seen, for  years via this 
list. I mostly lurk here, since I have no recipes to share and no garden 
to talk about, but I do consider capsicum one of the major food groups.

As a newbie to the Fields and one coming from somewhat afar, I have a 
couple of questions/requests that probably are best replied to OFF-LIST.

1. I wouldn't mind hearing from individuals who have attended in the 
past and who came without elaborate cooking/barbecuing rigs just to know 
what they brought and how they managed food-wise. All I've got is a 
little burner that screws onto a can of something flammable (butane maybe?).

2. I will be driving alone from NYC, probably leaving on the 24th 
(possibly the 25th) and could use company, particularly if they are 
capable of doing some of the driving. I am pretty flexible as far as 
picking someone up along the way if it doesn't involve a major detour 
(I'll pass through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, mebbe even a tad of 
West Va; either via Route 80 to the north or Routes 76/70  somewhat to 
the south). I am planning on making a fairly leisurely two day trip of 
it, but could squeeze it into a single day if I had a co-pilot. I'm 
thinking of returning Monday.

Thanks much in advance for any replies.

Counting the days,

Peter Hirsch