[CH] Post Fields Post (warning: includes stupid beginner questions)

Punto (punto@inch.com)
Sat, 03 Oct 2009 12:07:55 -0400

Pod people,

Well, not being much of a road warrior, it took me most of a week to 
recover from the 1,500+ mi. round trip to Somewherein, IN. from the Big 
Apple (somewhere in NY). Otherwise, you all probably would have heard 
from me sooner.

Well, if ever there was someplace where it is impossible to feel like a 
"newbie", the Fields is it. Though I have probably posted no more than 
half a dozen times on this list in the decade or so that I have 
subscribed, I was pulled in by the lapels (well, if I had been wearing a 
jacket with lapels, this would have been the case) and smothered with 
food, drink, talk and chile vibes. If I wasn't hopeless with names (I 
can attach faces to my memories of Milton, Knoxbill, Vic, Byron, Peter 
from N.J., Mike [with the rockin' Lebanese kebabs], John and Ardis, 
Hobby, Beth, Jonathan Passow, but that only covers about a quarter of 
the folk that plied me with the aforesaid grub, booze, chat and so on), 
I would give shout outs to everyone personally. Actually, I don't know 
if I can say more that a big thanks to all. If you were there, you know 
why and you you weren't you shoulda oughta been since it had to be 
experienced to be comprehended.

Now, I hope you're still reading, since I want some input on what to do 
with the mound of peppers that I brought back. I have managed to make 
(and eat - that is the point, I guess) stuffed peppers of the largest 
ones, so the remainder takes up about 3 or 4 square feet of my kitchen 
table at this point.

So, I have a few challenges:

   1. I don't know what about half of what I got is. What is the best
      source (on-line is best, since I don't have a lot of time left
      with some of these guys) that has pictures of as many varieties of
      peppers so that I can tell relative heat level without having to
      bite into them (though this might be fun - up to a point)?
   2. What sort of preservation is best for what sort of peppers? I have
      a little dehydrator and I am warming the oven to 150 ° for peppers
      that might require more breathing room. I've also had good luck
      with freezing in zip-locks, but I am curious which take best to
      this treatment and which are better dried. Even general info about
      the pepper families would help a lot.
   3. I have some evil looking little yellow guys that look perfect for
      infusing vodka/tequila. I've never done this; does one do anything
      besides through them in and step back and wait a couple of weeks?
   4. After having my consciousness altered by eating some pimientos
      straight out of the roaster immediately after being
      flame-throwered (I always thought of myself as only interested in
      the burn, but I have been reborn at the Fields and now repent), I
      am planning on doing some stove top charring of what I have left.
      If by some chance, they don't all get scarfed up instantly, I
      expect that I could toss them in some brine and keep them in the
      fridge without huge risk of killing myself and family if they are
      consumed in a few days (I am open to a differing of opinion on
      this, though I don't want to re-open any controversy in this area,
      so maybe keep this input off-line and personal). Anyone have the
      proportions of water, vinegar, salt, etc. worked out for something
      like this?

Well, I am probably forgetting a thing or two, but this should get 
things rolling.

I can't send this without a huge thank you to Jim (and Abbie), though I 
know that he cringes whenever anyone gives him any credit for being the 
big-hearted, generous friend he is to all of us.

Open Fields Forever (with apologies to J. Lennon; maybe a theme for 
future OF, if hasn't been used already?)

Peter Hirsch