[CH] foodmills/was pepper mash method

Terry Pogue (tpogue@comcast.net)
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 09:46:43 -0400

Hardware stores always seem to have foodmills.  I bought an All-Clad  
one mainly because it fits nicely into my all-clad saucepans but you  
don't have to go that route. Any good hardware store will have them.

"My idea of pure heaven is to spend a day in the kitchen, peeling,  
chopping, and stirring while the words of a good book fill the air  
around me." Ruth Reichl

On Oct 11, 2009, at 7:10 PM, KnoxBill wrote:

> wooo--weee!...my eyes are burning and i'm coughing like crazy from  
> looking at these beautiful pictures...have never had much luck with  
> pressing the mash thru a sieve, am going to look around for a food  
> mill...good stuff you have there, amigo...
> -- 
> knoxbill