[CH] Mid West Chiles

Byron (byronbromley@tellink.net)
Tue, 23 Mar 2010 21:05:56 -0500

Good Luck   to ya 

Remember  that  you  need  to  find  something that  folks  want   
thats  not available  from  Jim Campbell, Susan  Wesland,  CA John, 
Hobby Farmer  or  JohnT     New  Mex  stuff  ask  for  Beth  Boyd   at 
Peppermania.  These  folks  have  been  around  here  for  10 +  years. 

Your  right  about  drying  your  own,  I  still  have a couple  ounces  
of  dried chimayo  peppers  from  Jim Campbells  event  in  2005  that  
are  still  great.  A  1/2  and  ounce  or  so of  Beths  Pecan  smoked  
chimayo   left.
