Re: [CH] What spices were in Calvin's Powder?

Doug Irvine (
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:31:13 -0700

Tom Greaves wrote:
> Does anyone know what was in Calvin's Powder?  That was the best tasting 
> hot powder ever, and I just used the last that I had.
> I'd like to try to make some if I can get an idea of what all was in 
> it.  I remember a few years ago where he listed about 10 peppers that he 
> had just bought for it, but it wasn't all that was in it.
> Tom Greaves
Jim Campbell supplied a lot of the chiles that Calvin used in his mix. 
He began with his own home grown stuff from his garden beside their 
house. He and I were back and forth a lot over the years, I would send 
him canned salmon from here in BC. He was bitten by a snake while out on 
  the job in the oil patch and it left him seriously allergic to 
nightshade which precluded his even touching peppers, or potatoes, 
tomatoes, in short all the various veggies of the nightshade family.
Then to compound his problems he ran into a huge partner kefuffle, and 
he told me that he was just going to move to another location. So it was 
that he disappeared, and he has not re-appeared.  If you have one of his 
little packages with the ingredient list, Jim will attempt to build the 
same powder, and a couple of folks were going to find one and let Jim 
know. I know that I did not keep one of his ingredient lists, but 
someone out there must have one.

Doug in BC