Re: [CH] Bonnie Hunt Show Today - Dave's Insanity Chug-Lug

Jim Graham (
Tue, 6 Apr 2010 08:09:49 -0500

I should have done this first...instead of viewing a few seconds of video
frame by frame, I could have just made one quick search on google.

The answer is, it is Dave's, but it's not Dave's INSANITY sauce.  It's
just Dave's regular old hot sauce.  Huge difference.  That explains the
bright red sauce, the odd-looking label (for the Insanity, at least), and
so on.

Ok, that's it...I'm done with this one.  :-)   It's time to check out the
new batch of Habanero Hellfire sauce that I made yesterday.  Much more
fun.  ;-}

And for those interested, here's the rough (while I was chopping peppers
frozen from 2008's huge yield from my small back-"yard" garden, I wasn't
writing down those slight the bag of tabascos that I
pulled out along with the cayennes, and didn't notice until I'd already
added them to the batch...and just left them in) recipe:

Habanero Hellfire

725g habanero
320g cayenne
a pint bag of tabasco
roughly 1/4 cup of Chile Pequin (TX)
3 onions
a LOT of garlic (better part of a whole bulb)
150g each of fresh peach, mango, and pineapple (balance out the flavors)
juice of 4 limes
750mL bottle of coconut vinegar (from Thai Market)
650mL of Golden Mountain Distilled Vinegar - Dam Trang (Thai Market)
750mL water (add to boil)

It's acidic enough with the two vinegars (both of which have a very mild
flavor for vinegar) that it only needs about a 5 minute boil, more to
cook the sweet/fruity bits and blend the flavors...and I don't toss the
chillis in until the last few seconds of that 5 minutes to protect their
flavors.  Bottled in sanitized pint jars (new lids, of course).

Btw, does anyone know what the Golden Mountain (Dam Trang) vinegar is
made from?   And, since I've lost my two Thai books that I bought from
Thai Market (which I'll be going back to in 53 minutes, when they open),
can anyone tell me what "Dam Trang" means?  One of my two books has a
great translation guide, and I think it was in there...but since I've
lost it (I just about turned this tin can I live in upside down yesterday
trying to find those two books...I was not happy)....


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