[CH] Open Fields 2010- "The Curtain Falls"

Byron (byronbromley@tellink.net)
Sun, 13 Jun 2010 14:31:25 -0400

Gads hate to  read this notice... 

Any suggestions as to talking my way out of a Toby Keith Concert??

??Maybe  buy a couple  front row seats for $1600,  Fly  daughter in  to 
go  with her?? 

Tried  4 hours  of begging,  promised  to  do  the domestic  stuff  
daily,  take  her out  to eat  3x a week.
Remain Celibate for the duration.??   That  didn't work 

What hotels  do  y'all stay ??

Some  heard  me complain  about oxygen delivery..  I  found I need to 
stay somewhere, that someone is there, on demand,  to sign  for the stuff.
