[CH] Pearl, Yellow Fire, Wong

Gary Smith (gars@thelovelyjanet.com)
Wed, 30 Jun 2010 06:02:32 -0700 (PDT)

I got zero takers on my Pearl seed offer, which surprised me.
 I now have enough fruit coming in to send fresh out to any
 Here's the descriptions again:
 C. annuum
 90 days
 Dusky blue-green foliage.  Seed acquired from Tyrone Washington from 
 plants that grew wild in his mother’s  garden in the Watts area of 
 Los Angeles.  Named in her honor.  Tall plants produce 1 inch long 
 black and dark green narrow fruit that turns red at maturity.  
 EXTREMELY HOT! My Source: I maintain this seed
 Prik Chi Faa or Prig Chee Fah (Wong Strain)
 C. annuum
 75 days
 My original source: Jason Wong.  His family brought the seed for this 
 pepper from near Pakse, Laos.  They acquired the original pepper seeds 
 from friends in Thailand.  The native name is Prik Chi Faa which means 
 “pointing to the sky”.  Fruit is shaped much like Thai Dragon or 
 Cayenne, but mostly grows upright on the plant like Thai Bangcock 
 Upright or Pearl, though on some of my plants the fruit points down.  
 Color is light green with darker mottled patches ripening to red.  
 Fruit can be eaten either green or ripe.  Texture is crunchy with 
 little heat early season, but more intense heat late season - about 
 the same very hot level  as Tabasco. 
 My source: Jason Wong via Tracy Lettellier.
 Yellow Fire
 C. annuum
 85 days
 Obtained from Mike Wadsworth of Mike’s Sickle Shop, who got them from 
 Joe Harris, a biker who originally found them in a cousin’s southeast 
 Alabama gardem in the early 1990’s. Very hot, very prolific 3 foot 
 bushes are covered with yellow/green cayenne shaped peppers that turn 
 bright lemon yellow then ripen to purple to red.
 My Source:  Mike Wadsworth
 Gary Smith.............The Lovely Janet.....gars@speakeasy.org
 5186 CR-5..............Heirloom Veggies.....gars@speakeasy.net
 Ashland, AL 36251, U.S.A....& Herbs....gars@thelovelyjanet.com