[CH] Need some ID assistance

Gary Smith (gars@thelovelyjanet.com)
Fri, 9 Jul 2010 18:14:07 -0700 (PDT)

A friend sent me some ripe Jalapenos he picked up at a
 Mercado (Market) in Mexico (between Tiajuana and Ensenada)
 for seed.  I need help identifying which Jalapeno this is.
 It's very large, as large as any Jalapeno Grande, but it 
 is teardrop shaped ie: comes to a tapered point, rather than
 the blunt one I normally expect.
 After I removed the seed and pulp I ate the very thick
 skin and was surprised at the perfume-like flavor.
 Any ideas?
 Gary Smith.............The Lovely Janet.....gars@speakeasy.org
 5186 CR-5..............Heirloom Veggies.....gars@speakeasy.net
 Ashland, AL 36251, U.S.A....& Herbs....gars@thelovelyjanet.com