[CH] Spice mill or grinder

Jonathan Smillie (jonathan.smillie@gmail.com)
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 07:36:03 -0400

  It's getting to the season of the year where I start wondering what to 
do with all the extra chiles ("What are extra chiles?" I hear you ask) 
from my garden- but since I can only make so much hot sauce at a time, 
and I have hundreds of frozen unripe habaneros left over from LAST 
year's crop, this is a pressing question...

I've tried making ground chile before, with varying degrees of success, 
mainly due (I think) to the more or less retail-grade coffee grinder I 
use to grind spices. I'd like to get something a bit more effective, 
particularly in making very fine grinds, but I'm at a loss. Does anyone 
have experience with either a powered or hand-driven spice grinder that 
they like?

