[CH] Famous chile quote

wolf (ch@wolfmusic.eu)
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 16:26:04 +0200

In the days of yore when the internet was young and crowded by academics, 
there was a famous chile quote used as a footline by many people, you might 
remember it: 

"It doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done, or think you can do. 
There's a confrontation with destiny awaiting you. Somewhere, there is a 
chile you cannot eat." Daniel Pinkwater, A Hot Time in Nairobi.

I tried to track it down a couple years ago with no luck and thought someone 
had made it up and everyone else was just copying it. Today, looking for 
reasons to get away from composing, I made another effort and I found it! 
It's the title of a radio essay it seems and you can hear the entire episode 
read by the author: http://www.pinkwater.com/podcast/podcast.php?showid=103

Have fun!
