[CH] Happy New Year!!! Hic

Dave Drum (dirty_dave@chillicooks.org)
Thu, 30 Dec 2010 07:17:23 -0600

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MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

       Title: Homemade Pepper Vodka
  Categories: Five, Chilies, Booze
       Yield: 1 quart

       2 c  Ground chilies; pick yer
            - heat
       1 qt Cheap 80ø vodka
       2 tb (or more) real vanilla
       2    (or more) vanilla beans
       2 ts (to 1 tb) liquid smoke and
            - almond extract

   Fill a wide shouldered bottle (like an empty Knob Creek
   bottle) half full of ground pepper and fill it up with
   cheapo, store brand vodka. Put it away for about a week or
   two shaking the bottle up when ever you think of it --
   longer is better. I suggest not tasting it during this
   process it is very, very hot.

   Next you want to get rid of all the ground pepper and keep
   the dark red liquid. Let the bottle sit still for a couple
   of days and the pepper leas will fall to the bottom.

   Carefully decant the dark red liquid to another container
   through a paper coffee filter.

   Wash your wide shouldered bottle out completely and pour the
   dark red liquid back into it.

   Next add the whole vanilla extract (not artificial but the
   real thing). Also add a liquid smoke and almond extract -
   this is to provide more flavor complexity and "artificial
   aging" (aged liquor and wine increase in vanillins with

   I use this tincture of pepper extract to zip up many a
   bottle of cheapo vodka. Just a few tablespoons will do up a
   liter. You can taste some and add more tincture to taste.
   You will come to understand if it is hot (and tasty) enough
   by the color of the final product.

   Keep in the freezer and serve straight up in martini

   From: The Old Cowboy

   From: http://www.grouprecipes.com

   Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives



 From Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
Home of YAAAAHHHHOOOOAAAAHHHH Hot Sauce & Hardin Cider

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