[CH] need the spelling for the name of a pepper

Jim Graham (spooky130u@gmail.com)
Wed, 16 Feb 2011 19:46:23 -0600

Ok...there's a little light-green pepper that is often served on the side
with pizza.  It's not hot, but it does have a touch of warmth to it,
along with a tangy-sweet flavor that goes perfectly with pizza....

I'm 99% sure I'm spelling this wrong, but it's something like peppercini
(again, that's no doubt wrong, but hopefully close enough to find out
what it's really called).


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | "Now what *you* need is a proper pint of
spooky130u@gmail.com    | porter poured in a proper pewter porter
< Running FreeBSD 7.0 > | pot.."
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   30.44040N 86.599125W |