[CH] Almost 20 years ago...

Jim (Jim@wildpepper.com)
Sat, 19 Feb 2011 10:36:47 -0500

Nearly 20 years ago, about the same time I started to try and make a  
side business out of chile peppers, I stumbled onto this list.   
Lurking for a bit, I noticed that no one *ever* posted about  
commercial topics.  My first post concerned asking if it were wrong to  
talk business.  Early responders included Rael, Carpo, and Firegirl  
for certain, and I believe ol' Doug and even older Tony Flynn chimed  
in as well.  It was a result of those early posts, that the phrase  
'evil corporate type' entered our chile bantering vocabulary on the  
list.  I'd hope that almost 20 years of observing 'the code' buys me a  
bit of forgiveness, as I stray dangerously close to the edge here :-)

I’m happy to announce that Mild to Wild Pepper & Herb Co® (my evil  
corporate persona :-) has changed hands!  As many of you know, with my  
job change two years ago, the amount of time I could spend on the  
pepper business went to ‘zero’.  It has been a struggle trying to do  
60 hours/week at the real Fire Department and then trying to find the  
time to take care of the ‘other’ fire department as well.   
Fortunately, rather than see it continue on a rapid downward spiral,  
The Great American Spice Company (Ft Wayne, IN) has stepped in and  
taken over.  Mr Barry Tippmann is the new owner and folks should see  
some immediate improvements to both the web site and the customer  
service.  Barry is as nice a guy as you could care to meet, has a good  
business sense about him, and that will only mean great things for the  
continued availability of all your favorite sauces.  He is even  
talking about wanting to continue the "Open Fields" tradition though  
we are likely too late for this year.  Please be patient with us as we  
continue to work on the transfer!  You will soon see a new face under  
the banner at the trade shows- please be sure and stop in, make  
yourself known, and tell him ‘hi’.

Thanks again for an incredible 20 years in the pepper business!

-Jim C