[CH] The Need For Speed

Jose Cisneros (jccisn@gmail.com)
Mon, 7 Mar 2011 11:44:54 -0500

Hey Chile-Heads,

I like a fast car...
Fast cars.......
With gummy tires.
I've annoyed a few cops when I was younger.
Alas in the past.
Fast cars.
I've been on 287 in New Jersey driving north after dark and watched the boyos
weave around me, so I know I'm too old now.
Reflexes! Suck!
But I don't understand the need for fast when it comes
to beans/legumes.
I mean....
Like I mean......
I mean..... like not from the can....
Please....Not from the can.
There's something about having a pot of beans going on
the stove that makes it all so homey, homey.
Beans were something simmering on the stove as a matter of
And salsa was a bright spot added.
I will not buy canned beans.
I will not buy canned salsa.
Any more than I would buy canned soup
Or peppers in a can.
Or beans....
In a can...
I will buy canned sardines.
And a bit of Spam...
'cause it sounds so Hawaiian.
