Re: [CH] Trinidad Scorpion Chile

Robert Opersteny (
Thu, 2 Jun 2011 15:43:58 -0500

Thanks Buck, and UncleSteve, Jim C, Alex and Drew for the replies!

Someone told me that it was the hottest, but yet unproven by official 
Now I'll have to get some seed from Uncle Steve and see!
Maybe y'all can test side-by-side with the Ghost or Bhut Jolokia, Naga, 
etc., but how?  I can't get past the first bite of a Ghost pod, and that's 
just the tip; none of the placenta/stem end!
Possibly after working up to it at a Hot Luck and a few bags of numbing 
Tepin's, I may be able to test; but my endorphins may be aging...
In y'all's opinion, in comparison, if you take the inner "mutant clone" seed 
orb from a Hab, like a red Savina or Bhut,  and munch down, ....does this 
approach the first effect from a Butch T or Trinidad Scorpion?

Bob "Runs with Armadillos-not" Opersteny

From: Buck Tarpley
To: 'Robert Opersteny'
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 1:43 PM
Subject: RE: [CH] Trinidad Scorpion Chile

Some folks say that the Trinidad Scorpion is really the hottest pepper,
hotter than the ghost pepper. I grew some last year. They are definitely in
the major leagues along with the ghost peppers.

Good luck with the armadillos.

Been growing them for about 4 years now.
Enjoy the heat,
"Uncle Steve" Nearman


Yup!  The Trinidad Scorpion is the newest holder of the 'worlds
hottest chile' title, after a longtime chilehead (Butch T) gave some
to an Australian who grew them out & submitted them.  Butch had the
original seeds donated to him by someone from the C2C (Rogues) group
years ago.  They've been featured at Open Fields for several years now
& I can attest that they are ONE HOT PEPPER indeed!! :-)

-Jim C

Yes, I have one growing in the garden this year... Now this is the Trinidad 
Scorpion, not the much acclaimed, hottest chile of the week which is the 
Butch T Scorpion.

