[CH] tough year in the garden

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Thu, 16 Jun 2011 11:16:52 +0000

Another morning, another pepper plant bitten off and laying on its side.  I think I'm going to have to fence the patch and make a "rabbit exclosure" which means dealing with all that tangle in storage over the winter.

This was the third hab plant I've lost.  The Zavory was bitten off by a deer a few weeks ago, but it was growing back nicely, Then the lawn care people hit it with herbicide.  But wait, it's reviving!  It also went through an episode of marble-sized hail.  I wonder what will hit it next.

I have a Jen The Hen French Fry Pepper blooming in a whiskey barrel, along with marjoram, basil, and a tomato.  We always had flowers in that barrel; we should have grown food in it years ago.  It's rabbit-proof but not squirrel-proof.