Re: [CH]V6 #345 Non-Fruiting Scotch Bonnets

Cameron Begg (
Thu, 03 Jun 1999 08:04:14 -0500

Hi CH's,
Simon Marland asked:

>A friend of mine has several Scotch Bonnet Plants and has
>a problem in that the plants flower, but then the flowers drop off and
>no fruit appears.
>Anyone got any ideas?

You have to have fertilised flowers before they will produce fruit. If you
ever get a warm day (!) put them outside to attract insects. Alternatively
get creative with a little paintbrush and/or some sort of vibrator.

>I grow chiles up here in N. Scotland with no
>problem, but his plants just won't play ball.

You might want to check with some of the fishergirls from Fraserburgh. I
happen to know that they are expert in that last category.

[Guess I've blown my Cardinal cover again]
                     Regards,               Cameron.