Re: [CH] Hot luck question?

Jim Campbell (
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:33:43 +0000

It's really pretty simple ma'am- open your house up to total strangers
bringing all kinds of weird things having various levels of edibility. 
Your only common bond will be the perceived strange things you do with
what otherwise would pass for perfectly normal food, ie crank it up a
bit :-)

People are invited to bring a dish that has a chile related theme along
with recipes to share.  It is only a coincidence that sometimes large
amounts of alcohol are involved ;-)  As the hostess you set the date,
time, place, and ground rules.

Pretty simple.  You're also expected to report back to the list with
what was generally judged to be the best/most interesting/weirdest dish
along with any humorous stories.

The Indiana Hotluck & Fiery Foods Expo is held in Madison, IN in April. 
Susan Byers ( Bloomington, IN) has also hosted one & would
most likely be happy to offer advice as well.

Hope this helps!

-Jim C