[CH] Red Lion Hot Luck

charles keith welsh (ckwelsh@mindspring.com)
Fri, 02 Jul 1999 06:36:13 -0400

After having a fantastic time at the first Hot Luck I attended, I decided
to host one myself.  The date is September 25, 1999. Red Lion is located SE
of York, PA, and about one hour north of Baltimore. We are minutes from Rte
I would expect that the 130 chile plants in my would still be kicking out
loads of fruits and the weather should be pleasant at that time of the
year. Anyone interested please contact me for details. 
I also want to extend thanks to Andy Barnhart and his son Doug who hosted
the Hot Luck in Reigellsville, PA last week-end. There were several
fantastic dishes from Chilled Spicy Chicken, to Andy's Jack Daniels Spiced
Tenderloin Tips. Jeff Porter brought a Chipotle Chicken Dish and  some of
his home brew. (The best I have ever had.) The weather was blazing hot, as
was the damn Bread!!

Chip Welsh