[CH] Mark Miller

Tue, 27 Jul 1999 22:38:27 EDT

<<Mark Miller from Coyote
Cafe was on the Sarah Moulton Cooking Live Primetime show>>

Deb, It was an interesting show for sure.  I found it interesting that he 
stated the worst possible thing to drink to cool ones mouth down was a 
Margarita due to the salt, sour and alcohol!  Said beer caused it to feel 
hotter and spread it.  He said when he does Habanero sauce tastings at 
competitions he goes for the Hagen Das!

He also mentioned to never cut down on the quantities of chilies called for 
in a recipe, just slice away the seeds and membranes to lessen the heat.  
Wonder what he'd say about us CH'ers who add more chiles to a recipe? <g>
