[CH] Cuttings...?

Cameron Begg (begg.4@osu.edu)
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 08:12:52 -0500

Hi C-H's,
Scott W. Schreiber asked about cuttings. Further to Brent T's 
comments, here is another re-post of my usual routine:

Have ready a razor blade, small pair of scissors, bowl of tepid 
water, very small flower vase or test tube full of water

	Hold the seedling gently by an upper leaf and snip off the 
top, leaving at least one pair of true leaves on the original. 
Immediately get the cut end of the top under water in the bowl. Using 
the razor blade - under water if possible, but that's tricky - slice 
the stem at 45deg. just above the scissor cut. Quickly remove the 
top, dip it in hormonal rooting compound (e.g. "Rootone") and place 
it in the vase or test tube. The walls of this container should be 
opaque, or made so with Al foil. Maintain the level of water in the 
vase or tube over the next few weeks (depends on temperature etc.) 
and keep the plantlet in a bright location until a suitable root 
system forms.
	Make a slurry with seedling compost and water. It should have 
the consistency of pancake batter. Hold the rooted cutting in the 
center of an egg cup sized peat pot and pour in compost slurry. Keep 
the stuff in motion by shaking (Rael could use a vibrator) so that it 
flows around the roots. Tap the pot to settle it and pop out air 
bells. If necessary support the cutting with a bamboo skewer. The 
excess water will be absorbed as the peat re-hydrates. Keep the plant 
damp and in a well lit place.

                      Regards,               Cameron.