RE: [CH] antidotes?

Deb deForest (
Thu, 02 Sep 1999 11:25:13 -0500


I'm one of the ones who continually swear by this.  Once
saved a macho teenaged son of a friend who after many many
many warnings thought he'd out do some of the chilehead men
in the room (who were issuing the warnings) by using a good
DOLLOP of Dave's Reserve on his small bite
and he was scarlet faced and teary-eyed.  Frozen in his
tracks with mouth open and drooling (a lovely sight for the
teenaged girls in the room :-). I shoved the banana in his
open mouth (I had properly anticipated the scenario when I
heard his chest thumping from the other room).  He chewed
and recovered quickly (comparatively speaking) and is
respectful of El Grande (and me) to this day.

Banana.  Portable and highly effective.  Deb in Houston