Re: [CH] Somebody should'a told me...and...I LIKE it!!!!!

Suz (
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 19:54:53 -0700

A little late in replying to this, but when my hubby stuck his pepperish
fingers in his eye, screaming in anguish, I immediately got out the milk.
Told him to flush his eyeball with the milk.  He was skeptical (as hubbys
are) but at that particular point in time, he was ready to try anything.
The milk in the eyeball eased the pain almost immediately, not completely,
but sufficiently.

Don't know if soaking contacts in milk would work, but seems worth a try.
Especially if they are not the disposal kind.

>Nest part:  This morning I decided to put my contacts back in.  I figured
>the powder would not have the same negative affect as cutting fresh
>peppers...WRONG!!!  I wore a food prep glove for the cutting when making
>salsa but not for grinding the habs!!!  When I inserted my
>EYE!!!!  Thought my eyeballs were gonna jump right outta my head!!!  I
>danced, couldn't see, cried, danced some more, blinked, doused my eyes with
>saline solution, cried some more...'bout 20 minutes later it subsided...I
>figured it would be worse to try to remove them than to just leave them in
>and suffer.