Re: [CH] Non-CH SOs

tucker (
Fri, 05 Mar 1999 12:35:50 -0600

Assembly wrote:

> Hi there,
> Just noticed that many of you CH-ers have spouses (spice?) or other sig.
> others who don't like chiles.  ...  Is it a problem
> having a non-CH partner?  Has anyone ever found it too big a hurdle to
> domestic bliss?  Do you have nights out with CH buddies or just get by with
> condiments?
> Just curious.
> Cheers,
> Virginia

  I usually go with the condiment solution here, it is the easiest. But out of
common courtesy, I still make sure to ask my wife if she's SURE??? she wouldn't
like just a little sprinkle of Calvin's on whatever she's having. Hasn't tried
it yet though, the poor girl. :-)

C-H # 2099