[CH] Cold???

Calvin Donaghey (gdonaghey@bitstreet.com)
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 21:37:32 -0600

Hello ChileHeads-
The Siberian Express has arrived.  Bummer.  While I love temps below
freezing, my chiles do not.
Heaters are running in the poor boy greenhouse tonight, it's supposed to
get to 17 degrees F.  It has been a great season, however, picking
vine-ripened pods out of my front yard until mid-December.

Has anyone on the List witnessed (in person) Aji Amarillo in their
native environment? I have gotten my best seed stock from Peru,
presumably the birthplace of the land race.  (I have a friend who worked
on a seismic boat and collected pods for me from all over the place, but
he never saw one actually growing.)  I am wondering if the plants keep
growing all year (and year after year) near the equator, how big they
get, and what the fruit load is like.  I have had to tie most of my
plants nine ways from Sunday to keep the fruit load off the ground, and
the ones standing up are 8' tall.  Even in low temps and less light
under the greenhouse plastic, they are still putting on some fruit.
Quite a plant, overall.  Wish I could travel there and see the