Re: [CH] Bell peppers

Marianne Meisels (
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 19:16:15 +0200

> > Pod people,  I don't understand the hate for bell peppers.
> > A pepper is a pepper and we should respect that. Also
> > different strokes for different folks, right? I enjoy them all,
> > heat or no heat.  Miss Dewi
> Amen Sister Dewi  :O)
> Tim
> ====================================
As much as I'd like to agree with statement, I'm afraid I can't... that 
is, not with the a "pepper is a pepper" part (though I certainly agree 
with respecting other people's views and tastes) since for some 
unknown reason regular bell peppers give me terrible heartburn, 
whereas I can eat tons of hot peppers without even a twinge of pain!
