Re: [CH] Bell peppers

coyote (
Thu, 24 Feb 2000 19:38:51 -0800

Dave Drum wrote:

> > While a healthy debate is raging, about Bell Peppers, I would suggest > soaking two TABLESPOONS of black peppercorns (heaped)- either whole or
> > crushed- in a half pint of boiling [but unheated] water overnight (then > swollen corns are removed- they are tasty too.) makes a powerful
> > peppery/capsaicin stock.  Use it with a stir fry etc- try it; you'll
> > Andrew, et. al.,
> >     My edication could be lacking, but what the heck is "boiling [but
> > unheated] water"?
> Eeeeerrrrrrmmmm.... I think it has to do with "cold fusion"  <G, D & R>

What does a software API for webbased/dynamic pages have to do with boiling water????

as for the bells I'm still waiting for a habanero the size of a bell...

Coyote -old timer
Howlin fro Habaneros..