Re: [gourds] Gourd durability (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 01:58:32 -0600

At 03:27 AM 1/14/98 +0000, david wrote:
>Any ideas as to the make-up of the shell that contributes to this>
Silica and this is why you get silicosis from breathing the dust.  Same for
the cover of beans, corn and other type seeds.  It is the same if you
breathed in a sharp point or blade of flint or chert.  This is also why in
the control of foam in commercial potato[e] fry operations we use silicone
based polymers and fine powders to spear the bubbles to control the foam.

You can eat them but don't breath them.

Just ask any potato[e] chip man.

And we know how hard diamonds are. Ask any farm girl if chickens follow the

old jim