[CH] Aphids

Gerardo Ametxazurra (ametxa@arrakis.es)
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 11:23:07 +0200

Here's what I do to get aphids from my rose bushes
(no Chiles planted yet, but will start soon, I
I use the contents of many an ashtray. Put all the
butts in a 5 litre bottle and fill it with water.
Let it soak and ferment for about a week. I just
don't look at it, it's somewhat yecchy... I water
the plants with the filtered result (a repulsive
brown liquid). The tar and nicotine in the water go
up through the roots, and it seems the aphids don't
like the taste of the savia at all. No insects are
killed. No chemicals are used.
One drawback is I don't know if the fruits develop a
tobacco taste... I don't eat my roses. Still, the
flowers don't smell funny, anyway.
As soon as I have my Chile plants, and if I have any
problem with aphids, I'll experiment with this
liquid. Then I'll see and I'll tell.
