Re: [CH] Burpee Chiltepins ? ! ? !

Vince Huebert (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 10:28:03 -0600

Indeed El Grande be praised. The Burpee's Heirloom cataloge has
chiltepin plants for sale as well as an interesting plant called "Hot
Lemon".  It is billed as a "very hot pepper" found "in an outdoor market
in Ecuador" "delightfully flavorful in the green stage.  Its aroma is
spicy, with a hint of pine woods, and it is a hot as any Cayanne."  I
ordered 3 Lemon and 3 Chiltepin.
  At $4.95 per 3 pack, the cost of this addiction continues to grow. 
Lets see, $10.00 for Burpee's hot pepper plants another $10.00 for
tomato plants (have to make salsa with the peppers).  $5.00 for pepper
seeds from Shepherds, 30 some to Cross Country Nurseries for more pepper
plants.  Another 5 or 10 to Johnny's for Boldog Hungarian and Paprika
Supreme.  What does that come to?