Re: [CH] Litmus test

Tony Lill (
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 04:31:41 GMT

>>>>> "Tantrika" == Tantrika  <> writes:

    Tantrika> Is anyone on this list that is also on
    Tantrika> getting these messaged from the RELAY gatekeeper that
    Tantrika> say this? is a notorious spam haven, and appears in many spam
filters. I'm sure that it's being blocked from many sites, though most 
just drop your mail silently. If sending e-mail is important to you, I
would suggest finding another provider until they clean up their act.
Tony Lill,                         Tony.Lill@AJLC.Waterloo.ON.CA
President, A. J. Lill Consultants        fax/data (519) 650 3571
539 Grand Valley Dr., Cambridge, Ont. N3H 2S2     (519) 241 2461
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