[CH] Habeneros and Yeild

Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:50:58 EST

This year was my first as a pepper gardener and I had much success, albeit
with common varieties. I am definitely hooked on the hobby though and I'm
already planning next year's garden. This brings me to my question. I love
habeneros and had one this year. All summer long, I would get dozens of
flowers but no fruit. Last week, I found out why. I live in Phoenix and its
pretty damn hot here in the summer. Nighttime temperatures are sometimes over
90F. This explains why my blossoms fell off. Now that the temperature is
lower, I have over 75 peppers on my plant! Is there anything I can do next
summer to make my habs bear fruit? I was thinking about a misting system since
the evaporation would cool the area down quite a bit, but then thought that
this might be both impractical and expensive. Any thoughts or suggestions?