[CH] Green tomato salsa

Alexandra Soltow (pamra@rockland.net)
Wed, 4 Nov 1998 14:59:49 -0500

Dear Chile-Heads,

Have any of you ever tried to make salsa from green tomatoes? (I'm
referring to unripe tomatoes, not tomatillos.) In anticipation of a frost
tonight, I picked whatever tomatoes were still on the vine, which were
quite plentiful, and quite green.

I'm going to go ahead and make some, using Crazy Coyote's Red Savina Hot
Sauce recipe (Yum!!), unless one of you writes back quickly to warn me that
anything I try to do with those tomatoes to create anything resembling
salsa will turn out to be an unqualified disaster.



Alexandra Soltow


Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.