[CH] comment re spam retaliation

Brent Thompson (brent@hplbct.hpl.hp.com)
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 19:46:49 -0800 (PST)

> or otherwise take advantage of the spammer.  One recent one had an 800
> number that went to voice mail -- you get the idea, but be polite (and
> maybe wordy).  Remember, repeated harassment of these folks is also
> illegal.

And possible misguided, given that addresses are sometimes forged.  I don't
know the frequency this might occur, but still I think serious
investigation is in order to ascertain real sender before taking action the
recipient might find unpleasant.  If it happened to you, you probably
wouldn't like it much if you were bombarded or harassed due to a nastygram
or spam message someone sent using your forged e-mail address as sender.

 ---   Brent