[CH] Between our..

Paul (satud17@newmail.net)
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 23:25:51 -0500

Process all major credit cards on your web site. For as little as $15
.00 per month you get:
- Virtual Terminal for phone/fax/mail orders
- Email receipt
- Recurring billing feature
- Password generation for membership sites
- Automatic batch closing
- Address Verification Service (AVS)
- Backoffice to access account history
- Remote mode
- Interface for all major shopping carts
- Installation included
For our free information package just reply to mailto:gert44@writeme
.com or mailto:renn7u@eastmail.com  
with "MORE INFO" in the subject header.
If you are interested in becoming an authorized reseller please reply
mailto:gert44@writeme.com or mailto:renn7u@eastmail.com with 
"RESELLER" in the subject header.

If you wish to be removed from our mailing list enter subjecy "remove
" and reply to mailto:pari990@mailcity.com