Re: [CH] Lays [brand] Buffalo Chips

Porter Banister (
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 01:35:28 -0500

Sharen Rund Bloechl Wrote:

>Looking for something interesting to snack on I picked up a bag of Lays
>"Buffalo" chips hoping they might hit the spot - anyone else try them yet?
>They were tasty, and once in a while there was a bit of heat

I have tried them, I agree they were tasty, but the heat was severely
lacking. Another even tastier chip that I can tell the list about is
Habanero Chili with Ginger, made by Kettle Chips, and found in Health Food
Stores, usually. This is also a potato chip, not a tortilla chip. Heat is
similarly lacking, but the fabulous taste almost makes up for that. Unopened
in my pantry is Salsa with Mesquite flavor of Kettle Chips. I will try those
in a few days. Kettle Chip's web site, for anyone interested, is at:
