[CH] Hot Time in Nevada?

Anna Monro (Anna.Monro@ea.gov.au)
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 18:12:14 +1000

     Howdy all -
       I'm planning a little visit to Las Vegas early next year and in the 
     spirit of massive over-preparation, I was wondering if anyone has any 
     tips for good chilli-ish eating places and shopping opportunities in 
     that general area?  I lived in LV for about a year, but that's a while 
     ago now.  I remember having some good chile verde burritos from a 
     place in the San Francisco Bay area (you went in and chose whatever 
     you wanted and watched them being made - these things were a meal with 
     leftovers) but somehow I didn't get to try many hot places in LV.  Do 
     they exist?  All cuisines considered, good Mexican especially valued. 
       Secondly, I wonder if there are any other Australian chilli-heads 
     out there with good recommendations on what I *need* to bring back in 
     the way of sauces, powders etc.  I'll be there a while, so I might 
     have a chance to do some mail-ordering if necessary.  I'm still fairly 
     new to all this stuff but I love to cook, so what do you guys reckon 
     would be the "essentials"?  I was thinking several kilos of masa 
     harina to start with - I'm finding Canberra somewhat ingredient 
     deficient.  I say Australians because I'd figure they have the best 
     idea of what we don't have - but any suggestions will be gratefully 
     received (preferably via direct e-mail).
       Thanks in advance.