[CH] Calling 800 Numbers from "Spammers"

KEN TEETER (ken.teeter@usa.net)
21 Nov 98 10:59:48 EST

I help with funding an 800 number with the University Extension for vegetable
growers to call in and get updates on vegetable diseases in the state. Each
month when the bill for the time comes in I have the callers/growers phone
number printed out beside the time. It's like a caller ID, even if you have
your phone blocked. I call this number(vegie) myself and have seen my number
although I have a block. Watch out if calling from personal phones as you may
find your personal number on a list......I have never used these numbers to fu
 with ANYTHING, but I bet that is not the case in most situations!
Just a thought for you other "Chile Heads"........ Ken Teeter (GA)

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