[CH] Re: Ordering pepper seeds

Alexandra Soltow (pamra@rockland.net)
Thu, 3 Dec 1998 20:23:33 -0500

Marguerite wrote,

> What would be a good choice for a "next step up in degree of
>heat" from the Japaleno Pepper?   Also, what is the very  hottest pepper
>that would likely grow in Missouri climate conditions?
>        What are the best  sources for ordering "quality" seeds to plant
>in my garden next spring?

Besides serranos (an excellent choice!) you might want to try cayennes.
There are many different varieties, so you should be able to find one (or
more!) that you like. I had excellent luck with Portuguese Red Hots.

I don't know anything about the Missouri climate, but it's warmer than it
is here (New York), so anything I can do, you can probably do better!

Here are some seed sources.

The Pepper Gal
PO Box 23006
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307-3006

Native Seeds/SEARCH
526 N. 4th Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85705

Davis Plant and Seed Company
PO Box 391
Havana, FL 32333-0391

W.Atlee Burpee &Co.

I've gotten seeds from both Davis and Burpee, and done well with both.


Alexandra Soltow


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I seek what they sought. - Basho