[CH] International chile festival in Brisbane QLD -Oz

luke (lukasz@midcoast.com.au)
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 11:26:37 +1000

Its been and gone, We must have lost our Queensland chile-heads. I 
would have gone if I had known it was on. just caught a glimpse on the 
TV. had lots of Habs and other fresh chiles, claimed to have over 200 
sauces, Organisers also supposedly took out a "Public Liability 
Insurance" cover against getting sued by those who tasted Daves Insanity 
Sauce (AUD $12.00) and found it to hot for their palates. i.e. caused 
them to (lose their hair) etc or (suffer from Premature Eja..Oops wrong 
list). Say if its on next year this may be the perfect opportunity for 
some on the list to visit Oz and get that new set of Kidneys and or 
Liver for a fraction of what it would cost in the USA. 
			Luke in Oz